Vatican Analog

Vatican Analog

OPN3 Redux

Little more than a week ago we had our third edition of the Optimus Prime Noise fest. About 20 acts were playing for about 12 minutes each (with the odd lengthier exception) and styles ranged from the obvious harsh noise…

OPN3 Introduxxxions: O.M.S.-N.M.A.

From Gent (Belgium) comes one Andy Eeckhaut, better known as O.M.S.-N.M.A, a project that mixes experimental electronica, electro acoustic music, noise and dark ambient into a hot and steamy brew. His compositions are centered around field recordings and analogue modulation,…


hey there, i wanted to direct your attention to some stuff thats freely downloadable from the mighty VINCENT KOREMAN – KATHARIAN DEATH KODE (noise with lots of blackmetal samples) VINCENT KOREMAN – DIABOLIKAL KONTRAPTIONSS (noise with toys) FOE – DWELL FOREVER (drony…