Vatican Analog

VA 54: Crystal Fucking Dust – Kitchen Sink Realism

release info
artist:          Crystal Fucking Dust
released:   February 2014
catalog:      VA 54
type:            digital
keywords:  soundscapes, drones, noise, kraut

You’ve got to be careful sometimes, it’s as if I’m hanging on all the time – just clinging on telling meself – life’s all right – it’s a great experience living – look at all the different people yer meeting – you really are living and then I think, Poor Cow, who are you taking on? Let’s face it, it’s just escaping from one misery to another. Who really enjoys life? Kids when you get down to it – kids are the only ones who really get a kick out of being alive...

downloads & streams
Stream or download this album at Bandcamp for a voluntary donation.