We had a blast last month at Optimus Prime Noisefest 4. More than just a few gigs, Optimus Prime Noisefest evolved into a true noise meeting where like minded noise and drone fans meet, drink lots of beer and most…
Relive Optimus Prime Noisefest 4

We had a blast last month at Optimus Prime Noisefest 4. More than just a few gigs, Optimus Prime Noisefest evolved into a true noise meeting where like minded noise and drone fans meet, drink lots of beer and most…
Sit back, dim your lights and relax. Come down to the shady underground of South Korea. Vatican Analog picked out twelve artists from the South Korean bustling scene of experimental electronic music – diverse, but always connected with the noisy…
Vatican Analog’s Steffan explains comeback at 3voor12/Tilburg [in Dutch]
We just launched a small crowdfunding campaign for a new project: Saehansori, or with other words: New Korean Sounds. We are curating a compilation album with new experimental music from South Korea. A selection of experienced and less experienced artists…
It has been a while, but Vatican Analog is back with a total new website. We’re busy uploading our releases from the past for you to freely listen and we’re working on new ones in the meanwhile. One of the…
Browsing around the crowdfunding websites can be very inspiring. Here’s a few lovely inventions that bring new happiness to those who love to have their music served analog with their bare hands. The Mixtape Alpha, a great pocket-sized 8-bit synth. Currently…
Almost four months ago I swapped Tilburg for Seoul, South-Korea. It’s not number one noise city, but for those who think nothing is happening here: you couldn’t be more wrong. Two weeks after my arrival for the first time I…