Last week, we from VA booked filmmaker / musician Scott Foust together with Frans de Waard to play a show in Tilburg as the Tabacconists. It was an interesting show, where a lot of different musical genres were combined to different freak-drone pieces. Scott Foust will still be in Europe for the next 2 weeks: the last show on the continent is a screening of his new movie Here’s To Love! at Bozar in Brussels on April 24, followed by a show of The Tobacconists at Divus Gallery in London on the 25, and a screening of Here’s To Love! and a performance of The Four Accomplishments on April 26 at the same venue. By the way: Scott’s style is too cool for school, on the picture above you see him in his yellow combination.
Found this great psychedelic piece called Ditmas Park from the book/cd Urban Birds by Timothy Shortell. For your easter listening pleasure…