Vatican Analog


Hey everybody,

Your favorite organisers from Tilburg, Holland are back in business. This June (12th/13th/14th) we are organising the 3rd OPTIMUS PRIME NOISEFEST here in our beautiful town. Last time we did a festival of one day with around 30 acts and this time we want to at least triple that amount of acts, so we made it into a three day festival. You wanna come and play?

The rules:
– every act plays 12 minutes.
– we want noisemusic, so no ambient, electro or industrial: noise is noise.
– don’t expect much moneywise, we don’t get funding, it’s DIY all the way, but we give gasmoney to the travellers.
– local acts play for free
– we try to provide every foreign act with a sleepingplace (but please take a sleepingbag / matress with you)

No guestlist, no presslist, no ego’s, only noise for the masses!

Still wanna come and play (you should): send an email to
More info on the previous OPTIMUS PRIME NOISEFEST:

youtube: … EFEST&aq=f

Acts performing on the last Optimus Prime Noisefests:

Kasper van Hoek(NL), Mental Heart Fix (NL), RA-X (NL), Abso lut, Bart Hard (NL), Bitter, Diskoster (be), Doornen & Terg (NL), Ero Babaa (fr), Fckn Bstrds(NL), Gays With Machines ft. Gay – Z (nl/uk), Hybrid Packaging(NL), Levi van Huijgevoort(NL), Pentothal (r) (be), Pu:ppkakkbaggrlull (NL), Staplerfahrer(NL), Sten Ove Toft (no), Strom Varx (fra), Vomir (fra) Kirdec (BE), Rossa Merda (UK), Rinus van Alebeek (DE/NL), Grieffer (CA), NxFxTxEx (DK), Zyrtax (NL), Brutophilia (CA), Seppuku + Mutant Ape (UK), Bas Verbeek (NL), Shortlife (FRA), Gokkuchan (BU), Raaskalbomfukkerz (NL), Portable Noise Kremator (BE), Belch (NL), Antoine Chessex (CH), Monopolka (RU), Bucketovscissors (DE), Pupp:kakkbaggrlull (NL), No John (BE), NIHIL IS ME (IT), Neurobit (NL), Peter Quistgard (NL), Man Manly (DE), Androgene Collective (NL), Impostor (BE), Penthotal® (FR), Laffe Mietjes (NL), Bram Stadhouders (NL), Solar Skeletons (BE)