Vatican Analog’s Steffan explains comeback at 3voor12/Tilburg [in Dutch]
Vatican Analog Explains Comeback

Vatican Analog’s Steffan explains comeback at 3voor12/Tilburg [in Dutch]
Optimus Prime Noisefest is back! After the third edition in 2009 it has been quiet for a while, a period that will end on Sunday January 12 2014. Then we will go back to NS16 in Tilburg to have a…
We just launched a small crowdfunding campaign for a new project: Saehansori, or with other words: New Korean Sounds. We are curating a compilation album with new experimental music from South Korea. A selection of experienced and less experienced artists…
It has been a while, but Vatican Analog is back with a total new website. We’re busy uploading our releases from the past for you to freely listen and we’re working on new ones in the meanwhile. One of the…
yup, we swopped places inside the Zwijsenpand. Moved out off our little place into a much bigger one: the former vault of the building, where “they” stored all their important papers. Now we’re storing all of our rubbish there and…